Training days and time: Saturdays:- 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, Tues & Thursdays 5pm All are welcome

Friday, 30 June 2017

Merlin Woods Sports club
Everyone who participates achieves a sense of purpose. Create a campus Ardaun, Roscam, Doughuisce. People are coming and going from activities, education, work places. Empower the community with self purpose and goals.
Focus on people, people, people coaching, the good positive aspects, participation for All.
Innovate the use of the green areas and parks to maximize usage.
Tools we use Growth Mindset & Restorative Practice.

Our passion is sports
We are best at participation
Participation drives the economic model. (numbers)

All supported by 4 pillars: Integrity, honesty, transparency, trust.

Strategy Involve all sports in the area
Include involve industry (local and multinational), education (primary, secondary, third level), health (primary care centre, hospitals, HSE, community (Resource centre, Foroige, spiritual) local government (city council, politicians, Gardai) population.
80% focus on people, active, healthy, environment, mind.
20% Support facilities In a fresh air, healthy, open, grass, tartan track, all weather surface gymnasium & swimming area.
Measure outcomes, record data, publish results through research.
Promote All abilities all welcome, use the growth mindset. Encourage to be the best you can be.
Use restorative practice to deal with conflicts.
Fun, happiness, self confidence, health, mind.
Cater for tots, kids, teenagers, adults, idealistic adults, repeat formulae, mature adults, senior citizens.
Sports in place already, Soccer for all, basketball, tennis, cricket, Athletics, gymnastics, rugby, GAA games, community games, swimming.
Pilot project: better outcomes programme for girls 3 to 11 years in association with GMIT sports science dept. Starting July 2017. Mr Don O Riordan UEFA Pro licenced coach. Measure data, exercise, fun, happiness, movement, diet.
Goals: sense of purpose, better outcomes in sport, education, work, relationships,
Focus on the 99% not just 1% elite.
Outcomes: Scientifically proven better outcomes for children, teenagers, parents, families, communities.

All abilities All welcome. ARD Cumasu family resource centre Doughuisce Road Galway 091 768852

Monday, 26 June 2017

2017 summer camp now booking on facebook page

Click the link above. Family discounts available

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Merlin Woods Sports Club Activities & contacts

Soccer boys /girls u6 to u12 every tuesday from 5pm to 6pm every saturday from 10:30am Merlin Woods City Park Doughuisce Cathy 0851974777
Soccer Girls 12-16 every saturday 11am Roscam pitch Eimear, Charlotte 085 242 5769, Anne Marie
Athletics Kids with Castlegar AC Sean 087 280 3980 and Stiofan every saturday at 11am Merlin Woods City Park Doughuisce.
Athletics Adults every wednesday 7.30 at Merlin Woods City Park Doughuisce Seam 087280 3980
Mens Soccer training every tues and thurs 7pm Doughuisce Contact Pat Gannon 086 2124509
Basketball every wednesday 5-6PM Merlin College school hall with Edvinas @edvinas.salcius on messenger
Tennis every thursday saturdays with Tio 0851628988 and Shaun

Also call into Cumasu ARD Family resource centre on Doughuisce Roads office hours for more information

Join today All abilities all welcome
Fun, Sports, Participation for the 99%

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Merlin Woods FC Don O Riordans u10 summer camp 2016

Merlin Woods FC U5 TO U10s to U5s boys and girls summer camp with Don O Riordan Uefa Pro Licence Coach

Tuesday the 16th of August to Thursday the 18th Of August
From only €10 per day.

More details don't hesitate to contact Don or Cathy on 085197 4777

ALL ABILITIES ALL WELCOME at Merlin Woods FC & Sports club

Merlin Woods FC Womens

Well done to all for a great first nights training.
Charlotte at 085242 5769 and Cathy at 085 197 4777 will be delighted to advise and answer any queries.
All abilities All welcome

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Mayor Awards: Merlin Woods FC & Sports Club

Congratulations to Peadar Seoige Chairperson, Cathy Cullinane Club member and Don O Riordan director of football for been nominated for a civic award off the Mayor of Galway for the impact Merlin Woods FC & Sports club is having on the Doughiska Roscam area. More than football the club prides itself on the promotion of sport for all abilities, be the best you can be and encourage families to use sport as your medicine.
The ethos is on participation for everyone, nutrition, education and fun. Well done all we are humbled to be included in the 2016 Mayor awards ceremony.